
Mord ⬅ [System name]

"These inner demons I have are friends as well as foes.
Perhaps I should have listened to their whispers earlier,
who knows."
- Kate Masters


Collective identity: Crow, it/its. 20s.
Member count: 3 to 100+ depending on... yeah
Origins: Nonya
Everybody is aromantic <4
No headspace ú_ù
As a general rule we will only list headmates that are likely to resurface within a year's time.
We are anarchists (no rulers, no hosts!) and use the empowered system framework for ourselves.

Empowered Multiples, from astraeasweb

Most often, it refers to multiples who do not take a victim stance and who are not overly dependent on psychotherapy to the point that they become enmeshed in the therapy culture. Any multiple system can be empowered. Empowerment is the ability to take responsibility for one's life and make conscious choices rather than simply going along with what someone else says.

Empowerment is for all multiples. It is not only for natural (non-trauma) multiples; you can be empowered and be a multiple who was born as one person and split due to child abuse. In fact, if that's your situation, empowerment is what you need more of, and is something your therapist (if any) ought to be encouraging.

Empowerment does not mean "perfectly functioning in every conceivable aspect with not the slightest trace of a problem in any area of your life and no abuse or trauma of any kind at all in your past." Empowerment does not mean rejecting therapy or medication, if those are helpful to the system. Empowerment is simply placing a high value on personal ability to choose, rather than becoming overly dependent on authority to define and guide your life. Even a therapist -- even a good one. Empowerment also means the right to interpret one's own system, rather than automatically believing everything therapists (or anyone else) tell you about yourselves. Empowered multiples are those whose people learn to cooperate, perhaps to communicate with each other (whether through notes or directly), to organise themselves into a responsible operating system, and see multiplicity as a positive part of their lives -- regardless of how their multiplicity originated.


The Crows

We mostly just go by Crow or whatever. Kind of a woozy fuzzy median-ish thing. Most people don't have names and faces, or they don't keep them for long. The amount is unclear. Probable modularity. Different members of this group are sometimes referred to as 'modes'. So far we have identified two types of crows in the blob:

  • Day mode: social butterfly, extr@verted by all definitions
  • Night mode: the reason we don't answer messages for days <3. Not interested in people. Comes out when fatigue.

Now remember that those are probably groups of crows. Anyway here's some individual crows that have been identified (we will only list the ones that are likely to come out again within the year):

  • Mary-Lou: he/him, fictive. pastel pink hair, sadboy, funny relationship with death.

The crows front most of the time at the moment.


he/him and it/its. I should let it write it's own section tbh. mostly becuase privacy. remember that you can link your carrd if you wanna, or better yet recreate it on this site instead h3h3h3


it/its. fictive. I'll let Dirk write this one. Idk what you'd wanna say but you Totally should make your own page on this it's gonna be so cool!!